Five Ways a Power Programmer Can Maximize Your Vehicle's Performance
The purpose of the Max Energy Spectrum Power Programmer® is to quickly and easily give your vehicle maximum horsepower, torque, and performance. The benefits you get from the Max Energy Spectrum can be broken down into five (5) parts.
1. Optimized Engine Tuning For Any Kind Of Driving
The Max Energy Spectrum Power Programmer gives your vehicle an optimized spark advance and air/fuel ratio point-by-point throughout the entire RPM band from just off idle to wide-open throttle for maximum horsepower and torque, while maintaining safe engine and transmission parameters. What’s that mean for you? Maximum power and performance for ANY kind of driving, from off-roading to daily street driving.
2. Increased Fuel Efficiency
Fuel efficiency is very important to most if not all drivers. The Max Energy Spectrum Power Programmer optimizes engine tuning to maximize every drop of fuel. Simply put, increased fuel efficiency and savings at the pump. Hypertech users are reporting 1-3 mpg gains.
3. Adjustable Performance Features
The Max Energy Spectrum Power Programmer has application specific adjustable performance features that let you dial in the performance exactly how you want it for your vehicle. Features include top-speed/rev limiter, throttle response, automatic transmission shift points/firmness/response, as well as many others. The year/make/model of the vehicle will determine the adjustable feature set for that application.
4. Better Off-Road Performance
When off-roading, you need the extra power & performance for the obstacle or terrain in front of you. The Max Energy Spectrum Power Programmer gives you that extra power & performance you need to easily tackle any kind of off-road terrain.
5. Flexibility
The Max Energy Spectrum Power Programmer downloads and saves the stock tuning program, then uploads your customized Power Tuning program. Before taking your vehicle into a dealership for service, always return the vehicle’s computer back to the factory programming. Once you have the vehicle back from the dealership, reinstall the Power Programming as before. The Max Energy Spectrum Power Programmer can only be used on one (1) vehicle at a time, so if you sell your vehicle or want to use it on a friend’s vehicle, simply return your vehicle to the stock tuning program and you may then use the programmer on another vehicle that is covered in the same part number.